gajar halwa recipe

Authentic Gajar Halwa Recipe: A Delightful Indian Dessert

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Welcome to our culinary journey through the delightful world of Indian desserts. In this blog, we’re about to embark on a sweet adventure that centres around the beloved Gajar Halwa recipe. Get ready to explore the art of crafting this classic, heartwarming Indian treat. We’ll guide you through the process, share expert tips, and ensure you master the perfect Gajar Halwa for your next special occasion. Let’s dive in!

Health Benefits of Gajar Halwa Recipe

Gajar Halwa, made from carrots, milk, and ghee, offers vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Enjoy it in moderation for its nutritional benefits.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Carrots are a primary ingredient in Gajar Halwa and are known for their high content of vitamins and minerals. They are particularly rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, and potassium, which are essential for maintaining good health.

Dietary Fiber: Carrots provide a significant amount of dietary fiber. The fiber in Gajar Halwa aids digestion and helps regulate bowel movements.

Antioxidants: Carrots contain antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, that can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants are linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases and may support overall health.

Energy Boost: Gajar Halwa is calorie-dense due to the presence of ghee and sugar. It provides a quick source of energy, making it a popular choice during the winter months or as a post-workout treat.

Rich in Healthy Fats: Ghee, which is used in the preparation of Gajar Halwa, is a source of healthy saturated fats. It is known for its potential benefits in improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Protein and Calcium: Milk, another main ingredient, contributes to the protein and calcium content of Gajar Halwa. Protein is essential for muscle maintenance, while calcium is crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

Controlled Sugar: While Gajar Halwa contains sugar, you can control the amount added to suit your taste. This allows for moderation and the possibility to enjoy this dessert even if you are mindful of your sugar intake.

Stress Relief: The flavours and warmth of Gajar Halwa can provide comfort and relaxation, making it an ideal choice for reducing stress and lifting your mood.

Saffron and Cardamom: The inclusion of saffron and cardamom in Gajar Halwa can have potential health benefits. Saffron is known for its antioxidant properties, and cardamom is known for aiding digestion and freshening breath.

Moderation is Key: As with any dessert, moderation is crucial to reaping the health benefits without consuming excessive calories, sugar, or saturated fats.

Gajar Halwa recipe offers nutritional benefits, but moderation is vital, especially with dietary restrictions or health goals. Balance a healthy diet with exercise for overall wellness.

gajar halwa recipe

Gajar Halwa Recipe (Carrot halwa)

Gajar Halwa is a traditional Indian dessert made with grated carrots, milk, and ghee. It's slow-cooked to a creamy, caramelized perfection, flavored with saffron and cardamom, and garnished with nuts. This sweet, aromatic treat is a beloved part of Indian cuisine, perfect for special occasions or a comforting indulgence.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Dessert, Side Dish
Cuisine Indian, Pakistani
Servings 4
Calories 200 kcal


For this Gajar Halwa recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of fresh carrots             
  • 1 litre (4.2 cups) of full-fat milk
  • 1 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 cup ghee (clarified butter)
  • 1/4 cup of a mixture of chopped nuts, including almonds, cashews, and pistachios
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder
  • 1/4 tsp of saffron threads in 2 tablespoons of lukewarm milk.
  • A pinch of salt


Prepare the carrots.

  • Wash, peel, and grate the carrots. You can use a food processor for a finer texture or a hand grater for a rustic feel.

Cook the carrots:

  • In a heavy-bottomed pan, add the grated carrots and the full-fat milk.
    Cook the carrots in the milk on medium heat, stirring frequently, until the milk reduces and thickens. This process can take about 30–40 minutes. Be vigilant to prevent it from adhering to the pan or scorching.

Add Ghee:

  • Once the milk has reduced considerably, add the ghee and continue cooking. The ghee not only imparts a rich flavour but also helps caramelise the carrots. Stir frequently.

Add sugar and nuts:

  • As the carrot mixture thickens and starts to come together, add the sugar. Modify the sugar quantity according to your desired level of sweetness.
    Continue cooking, and you will notice the mixture turning darker as it caramelises.
    Throw in the chopped mixed nuts and mix well.

Add Flavourings:

  • Add the cardamom powder for a fragrant aroma.
    Pour the saffron-milk mixture into the pan. This will infuse a lovely golden hue and a subtle saffron flavour.

Cook Until Done:

  • Continue cooking until the Gajar Halwa reaches a consistency where it doesn't stick to the pan and has a glossy finish.


  • Your delicious Gajar Halwa is now ready to be served. Garnish with extra nuts and saffron strands, if desired.

Mastering Gajar Halwa: A Delectable Indian Dessert

Mastering Gajar Halwa Recipe requires attention to detail and patience to achieve the perfect balance of flavours and textures. Here are some tips to help you perfect your Gajar Halwa recipe:

Select the right carrots:

Choose fresh, sweet, and preferably red or orange carrots. The quality of the carrots greatly influences the final taste and colour of your Gajar Halwa Recipe.

Consistency is Key:

The key to a great Gajar Halwa is patience. Slow-cooking the grated carrots in milk until it thickens and caramelises is essential. This process can take 30–40 minutes, so be patient and stir frequently to prevent sticking and burning.

Use full-fat milk:

Full-fat milk contributes to the creaminess of the Gajar Halwa. Avoid using skim milk or low-fat alternatives.

Control the sugar:

Start with a moderate amount of sugar and adjust it to your taste. Remember that as the Gajar Halwa cooks and caramelises, it becomes sweeter, so you can always add more sugar later if needed.

Quality Ghee:

Use high-quality ghee (clarified butter) for a rich and authentic flavor. The ghee not only adds flavour but also prevents the halwa from sticking to the pan.

Nuts and Dry Fruits:

Toast the nuts and dry fruits lightly before adding them to the halwa. This enhances their flavour and texture.

Saffron Infusion:

Soak saffron strands in warm milk for a few minutes before adding them to the halwa. This step imparts a beautiful colour and a subtle saffron flavour.

Cardamom Aroma:

Use freshly ground cardamom for a delightful aromatic touch. You can crush the cardamom pods and then grind the seeds for the best flavour.

Consistency Check:

Test the readiness of your Gajar Halwa by ensuring it doesn’t stick to the pan and has a glossy finish. It should be moist and not overly dry.

Garnish Artfully:

Don’t underestimate the power of garnishes. Top your Gajar Halwa Recipe with additional saffron strands, chopped nuts, or even a sprinkle of edible silver leaf (varak) for an elegant finish.

Allow for resting time:

After cooking, let the Gajar Halwa sit for a while to allow the flavours to meld. It often tastes even better the next day as the flavours deepen.

Experiment and personalise:

Don’t be afraid to tweak the recipe to suit your personal preferences. Gajar Halwa Recipe can be made in various ways, so make it your own by adjusting ingredients like sugar, nuts, and spices.

By following these mastering tips and being attentive during the cooking process, you’ll be well on your way to creating a Gajar Halwa that’s truly exceptional. Enjoy the delightful flavours of this classic Indian dessert!


Gajar Halwa recipe is a heartwarming dessert that brings joy to every Indian household. This recipe provides a step-by-step guide to creating an authentic and delicious Gajar Halwa that you can savor with your loved ones. So, try your hand at making this classic Indian dessert and relish the sweet memories it brings. Enjoy!

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